Style - Accordion, Toggle, Boxed Accordion and Boxed Toggle
When you have added the Accordion element to your page, you can start adding Accordion Tabs inside it, and setting the following options for each one:
Now you can add content inside the Accordion Tab
Gallery type - Chose between Flex slider fade, Flex slider slide, Nivo Slider and Image grid
You can use this shortcode to create an advanced image gallery.
Row is container element to which you can add other elements (shortcodes). This element can be full width or in grid. With CSS Animation you can set entering animation for this element and with Transition Delay you can set delay for chosen CSS Animation. Anchor ID is used in our anchor functionality. You can add row ID which can be referenced in main menu Anchor ID field.
Style - Choose here style for the Tabs
Portfolio Lists enable you to present your portfolio on a page.
The Portfolio Slider enables you to organize your portfolio items as an interactive slideshow which viewers can navigate through.
You can use this shortcode to create an image composed of separate layers that follow the movement of the mouse.
Counters are great for communicating information in the form of numbers.
Cover Boxes allow you to give a preview of your content in an interactive way, inviting viewers to follow the links and read more.
They allow you to make lists using icons, rather than numbers or bullets.
Call to Actions allow you to display bold messages on your page, inviting viewers to follow a link.
They're a great way to make a section of text stand out on your page
Buttons are a widely used element on the web and can be used for a multiple of purposes.
This shortcode allows you to quickly add an image with text on your page.
With this shortcode you can add an image with icon and text to your pages.
They allow you to display hints, warnings, or any other messages that you wish to communicate to your viewers.
You can use this shortcode to display your work or creative process.
When you have set up your Numbered Process shortcode, you can start adding Numbered Process Items inside it and setting the following options for each one:
They are great for communicating information in a visual and easy to understand manner.
They are great for communicating information in a visual and easy to understand manner.
They are great for communicating information in a visual and easy to understand manner.
They are great for communicating information in a visual and easy to understand manner.
They are great for communicating a large amount of information in a visual and easy to understand manner.
They are great for communicating a large amount of information in a visual and easy to understand manner.
They are great for communicating a large amount of information in a visual and easy to understand manner.
If you wish to present your information in a more mathematical way, the Line Graph is a great choice.
They're a great way to present your business' pricing packages.
Once you've added the Pricing Table holder, you can add pricing table elements inside it, and edit the following fields:
Social Share enables your viewers to share your page via social networks.
If you need to use text styling that's not in one of the predefined heading or paragraph styles, you can do this by using the Custom Font shortcode.
Lists are a great way to organize information and present it to potential customers.
Lists are a great way to organize information and present it to potential customers.
Widely used on the web, icons are great for communicating all sorts of information.
Want to invite your viewers to follow you on social networks? Social Icons will make this easy.
This shortcode allows you to easily add icons with text to your page.
This shortcode allows you to display your latest blog posts on a page.
You can use this shortcode to display a list of your blog posts on any page on your website.
This shortcode allows you to display your latest blog posts in masonry style.
Image With Text Over allows you to display interactive images.
Image Hover allows you to display interactive images.
This shortcode allows you to easily present your team.
They're a great way to present the services your business offers.
This shortcode allows you to quickly make a display of your clients.
Once you've added the Qode Clients holder, you can add elements inside it, and edit the following fields:
The icons flip and text is revealed once viewers hover over the icons.
Once you've added the Animated Icons with Text holder, you can add elements inside it, and edit the following fields:
This is a great way to let potential customers find out more about what your business does, and how it does it.
Once you've added the Qode Process Holder, you can add process items inside it, and edit the following fields:
This shortcode allows you to easily present your prices.
Once you've added the Qode Pricing List holder, you can add Pricing List Items inside it, and edit the following fields:
You can use this shortcode to create an advanced pricing list.
The Qode Elements Holder allows you to display any combination of elements in an organized column structure.
Once you've added the Qode Elements Holder, you can add Elements Holder Items, and edit the following fields:
Now that you've added the element holder item, you can add any element from the list of shortcodes.
The Qode Image Slider is a great way to showcase your images.
The Countdown shortcode allows you to present a timer on your page which counts down to some event of your choice.
You can use this element to animate other shortcodes. To do this, simply place the shortcode you would like to animate into the Animation Holder.
You can use this shortcode to display shop items in a masonry layout.
You can use this shortcode to display shop items in a pinterest style layout.
You can use the Horizontal Marquee element to create a interactive presentation that can contain any shortcode.
After you have set up the Horizontal Marquee element, you can start adding Horizontal Marquee items into it, and setting the following options:
Now you can add any other shortcode into the Horizontal Marquee item.
You can use this shortcode to create a slider in which each slide displays a main image, and a preview image that is set in a frame. After you have added the Preview Slider to your page, you can start adding Preview Slider Items into it. Each Preview Slider Item functions as a slide, and you can set the following options for each one:
After you have set up the in-device slider, you can add in-device slider items to it and set the following options for each one:
You can use this shortcode to create a slider that can contain any other shortcode or content inside it.
After you have set up the Content Slider, you can add Content Slider Items into it. Each Content Slider Item is a separate slide in the slider, and you can add any shortcode into it.
You can use this widget to display your Twitter feed anywhere on your pages. To do this, you first need to go to Qode Options > Social, and click the Connect with Twitter button.
You can use this shortcode to create a promotional banner.
You can use this shortcode to create a section with text that scrolls across the screen from left to right.
You can use this shortcode to create an image gallery with one hero image and up to 8 surrounding images, which have an expanding animation when the shortcode comes into the viewport.
In the Inner Side Images and Outer Side Images tabs, you can upload the remaining images you would like to display around the hero image, and add a link to each of these images.
You can use this shortcode to create a slider with tabbed cards. Each card can display its own set of slides. After you have created a Cards Slider Holder, you can start adding Cards Slider shortcodes into it and setting the following options for each one:
You can use this shortcode to create a showcase for a product or other item. The shortcode consists of a central image, and surrounding icons with text that can be used to describe the central image and provide more information about it.
After you have added the Item Showcase shortcode, you can start adding Item Showcase List Items to it and setting the following options:
You can use this shortcode to create an image that fades into another image when hovered on.
You can use this shortcode to create a stylized icon with text. On hover, the icon will switch from a solid color to a gradient.
You can use this shortcode to create a stylized button
You can use this shortcode to create a section with a background image, title, text, and call to action.
Use this shortcode to create a section with a background image that slides from the right to the left.
After you have set up the Sliding Image Holder, you can start adding content inside it.
You can use this shortcode to create an informative card element.
You can use this shortcode to create an informative card element with an icon.
You can use this shortcode to create a stylized slider displaying an image on one side and a curved section with a background color on the other. You can add content in to the curved section.
After you have set up the Elliptical Slider, you can start adding Elliptical Slides inside it and setting the following options for each one:
Now you can add content into the slide.
You can use this shortcode to create a list of specifications for a product.
You can use this shortcode to create an element listing your products or services which users can use to calculate the total price of the products or services they are interested in.
You can use this element to create a table of your services that allows the user to comapre the features each service offers.
You can use this shortcode to display certain content in tabs.
After you have set up the advanced tabs shortcode, you can start adding individual Advanced Tabs inside it and setting the following options for each one:
Now you can add any shortcode inside the tab.
You can use this shortcode to display your blog posts in a carousel.
You can use this shortcode to create a call to action that displays an icon and text in the middle of the call to action bar, and which can have a gradient effect and gradient animation.
You can use this shortcode to display a list of your restaurant menu items.
You can use this shortcode to create a stylized timeline.
You can use this shortcode to add a reservation form powered by OpenTable to you website.
You can use this shortcode to display your business's working hours. To set up your working hours, please navigate to Qode Options -> Restaurant.
You can use this shortcode to display a list of your listing items.
You can use this shortcode to display your listing items in a slider.
You can use this shortcode to display your listing categories.
You can use this shortcode to display your listing regions.
You can use this shortcode to create a search field for your listings.
You can use this shortcode to create an advanced search section for your listings.
You can use this shortcode to create a banner specifically stylized to fit in with listing layouts.
You can use this shortcode to create a blog list specifically stylized to fit in with listing layouts.
You can use this shortcode to display your testimonials in a layout specifically stylized to fit in with listing layouts.
You can use this shortcode to display your posts in a certain layout.
Display Pagination - Set this option to "Yes" if you would like to display pagination on this layout.
You can use this shortcode to display your posts in a certain layout.
Display Pagination - Set this option to "Yes" if you would like to display pagination on this layout.
You can use this shortcode to display your posts in a certain layout.
Display Pagination - Set this option to "Yes" if you would like to display pagination on this layout.
You can use this shortcode to display your posts in a carousel layout.
You can use this shortcode to display your posts in a slider layout.
You can use this shortcode to display your video posts in a certain layout. Please note that this shortcode will only display video posts.
Display Pagination - Set this option to "Yes" if you would like to display pagination on this block.
You can use this shortcode to display your video posts in a certain layout. Please note that this shortcode will only display video posts.
Display Pagination - Set this option to "Yes" if you would like to display pagination on this block.
You can use this shortcode to create a report sheet.
You can use this shortcode to create a section populated with devices that contain sliding images. Please note that you can only add one Multi-Device Showcase per page.
Here you can add images to the laptop device slider. For each item you can add an image and a link for that image to lead to.
Here you can add images to the tablet device slider. For each item you can add an image and a link for that image to lead to.
Here you can add images to the phone device slider. For each item you can add an image and a link for that image to lead to.
Here you can add images for the remaning devices in the showcase. These images will not be in a slider.
You can use this shortcode to display a calculator for the interest rates.
You can use this shortcode to add a captivating two-panel section to any of the pages of your website. The left panel consists of a fixed image, while the right panel can be scrolled through independently. You can add Split Scrolling Section Items to both left fixed and the right scrolling panel and set up the following options for each of them:
You can use this shortcode to display a list of your Tour items.
You can use this shortcode to display your tour items in a carousel slider.
You can use this shortcode to display types of tours in a list.
You can use this shortcode to create an advanced search form for filtering and finding tours and destinations.
You can use this shortcode to display your tour items in a carousel slider.
You can use this shortcode to create a carousel displaying your top tour reviews.
You can use this shortcode to display a list of your events.
You can use this shortcode to display a list of your albums.
You can use this shortcode to display the key features of a single course.
You can use this shortcode to display a list of your courses.
You can use this shortcode to display your courses in a slider layout.
You can use this shortcode to display an advanced search form for courses on your website.
You can use this shortcode to present a list of your courses in a table layout.
You can use this shortcode to showcase a single instructor.
You can use this shortcode to display a list of your instructors.
Instructor Layout - Choose a layout for the items in the instructor slider
You can use this shortcode to create an interactive element that lets users easily switch between a "before" and "after" image.